Sunday, June 8, 2008

Discover How To Safely Lose Weight In A Week

Discover How To Safely Lose Weight In A Week
Have you ever had the need to lose weight in a hurry? Maybe
you have an important social function to attend, and you
are desperate to look your best? Perhaps you want to slip
on your favourite dress, but that dress no longer slips
over you?

So the question is whether you can lose several pounds in a
short space of time. One thing that you cannot do is simply
stop eating. Not only is it unhealthy, but it rarely works,
especially if you want your weight loss to be sustainable.
Your body is smart, and slows down your metabolism in order
to better conserver its resources. So, the less you eat,
the less your body uses up. And starving your body of fuel
and nutrients cannot be considered safe. So how can safe
weight loss be achieved?

Weight loss is a simple mathematical equation. Your calorie
intake must be less than your calorie usage, or it won't
work. So, you can do one of two things to stimulate weight
loss. Either reduce what comes in or increase what is used
up. To achieve the latter, you need to do exercise. If you
seriously want to lose weight quickly, then you must do
more exercise. This can be simply more walking, cycling or
swimming, but if you use a gym, make use of the treadmills,
walkers and exercise bikes. Try and avoid strengthening
exercises, such as heavy weight lifting, and concentrate on
aerobic exercises.

If you don't have access to the gym, or if the weather is
bad, then do some routines at home, Anything that starts
your brow sweating will help you. Simple step ups on your
stairs would be a good exercise for example. Turn some
motivational music on nice and loud and get sweaty. The
more fun you can make it, the easier it will be to
persevere. If you exercise once a day, then do two workouts
a day instead.

The other side of the coin is the regulation of your
calorie intake. It would be very useful if you can find a
calorie chart to hand that will help you count the
calories. Remember that the more you take on, the harder
you will have to work to use them up, so a sensible
approach to your diet will be helpful in the long run. If
you have a sweet tooth, then try and get used to eating
fruit instead. Rather than the quick up and down sugar rush
that chocolate gives you, the sugar in fruit is better
controlled by the body to give you a sustained energy boost.

Don't watch your weight so closely that you are on the
scales every five minutes. Weigh yourself at the beginning
and then give yourself a few days before weighing yourself
again. You will be more encouraged if you find you have
lost a few pounds after three days say, than if you
constantly watch the scales and see no quick improvement.
Make sure you stick to your exercise plan, and watch what
you eat and everything will fall into place for you.

Do you want to lose weight in a week? Discover how to
safely lose weight in a short space of time, and find out
what it takes to keep the weight off in the long term too.

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