Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Ways to Quit Smoking - Nicotine Gum

Ways to Quit Smoking - Nicotine Gum
Chewing a piece of nicotine gum every hour, or whenever the
urge to smoke a cigarette arises, mimics the cycle rise and
fall of nicotine in your system that is experienced when
you smoke. The impact of the nicotine gum may take you by
surprise when you try it. People have stated that they
have experienced exactly the same kind of kick that they
receive when smoking a cigarette.

Nicotine gum is readily available in doses of 2 or 4
milligrams. When using the 2 milligram gum, a maximum of
thirty pieces can be used on a daily basis, even though on
average a majority of people tend to use between twelve and
sixteen pieces every day.

When using the 4 milligram gum, a maximum of twenty pieces
can be used on a daily basis, even though the average is
ten. The 2 milligram nicotine gum is recommended by many
experts. This is because there is a danger of remaining
addicted to nicotine with a greater likelihood of side
effects when using the 4 milligram gum. Therefore, always
use the 2 milligram nicotine gum unless your physician
recommends otherwise.

When using the gum be sure to use it correctly. Take a
deep breath, or walk around for five minutes whilst chewing
it. However, never drink liquid while chewing the gum, as
this will reduce the effectiveness of it, and it may well
upset your stomach.

Each time you feel the urge to smoke, it is advised to chew
a piece of the 2 milligram gum. If you are not a
particularly heavy smoker, then you can schedule yourself
to take a piece of gum every half an hour as this will
reduce withdrawal symptoms.

The Correct Time to Use Nicotine Gum

* Every time you feel the urge to smoke, chew a piece of

* It is greatly advised to always wait at least 15 minutes
before using the gum after you have had a cup of tea,
coffee, milk, fruit juice, or cola as the acid in the
drinks reduce the effectiveness of the gum.

* Begin your day with a piece of gum, if you can cope with
the taste.

How to Use Nicotine Gum

* Chew the gum slowly until you taste it. Chew once or
twice and wait a moment to see if the taste becomes
apparent. If not, then chew again.

* Place the gum between your cheek and gum lining once the
taste appears.

* When the flavor of the gum has disappeared, chew the gum
once or twice to relinquish the taste. This is generally
every minute or two.

* Chew the gum for no less than twenty to thirty minutes
before discarding it.

* Never drink when you have the gum in your mouth.

How Much Nicotine Gum to Use

* Use ten to thirty pieces of gum on a daily basis.

* Never use more than thirty pieces of gum in a day.

* Gradually reduce the quantity of gum that you use on a
daily basis, as the urge to smoke reduces.

For more tips and information on ways to quit smoking, or
to get encouragement, go to
http://www.onlinestopsmokingtips.com . While you are there,
grab the free report on 101 Tips for Overcoming Addictions.

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