Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Are You Only One Infomercial Away From Perfect Health?

Are You Only One Infomercial Away From Perfect Health?
Channel surfing has become a national past time. So much so
that savvy media people have built a financial dynasty in
infomercials. Infomercials have burst on the scene over the
last ten years, selling everything from financial security,
beautiful skin to perfect health. What about these health
infomercials? Should you buy into them?

When it comes to infomercials regarding weight management
products or supplements, the pattern is rather predictable.
Have a token medical professional for credibility,
establish a problem, create fear and then graciously
provide the solution. Infomercials are typically 28 minutes
long and are really four, seven-minute shows repeated.

One of the more popular infomercials that flooded the
airwaves a few years ago was selling the nutrient Coral
Calcium. Coral calcium is a form of calcium purported to be
taken from ocean reefs. The first objective of the
infomercial is to make you believe they have uncovered a
revelation in longevity. Next they explain that they have
figured out a way to extract this calcium from the sea.

Then they proceed to tell you that this miracle nutrient
will make you alkaline. Next, they talk about how disease
cannot live in an alkaline environment. Yes, even cancer
cells. They tell you how this particular form of calcium is
so unique it increases bone density like no other calcium.
"Look at sea creatures," they clamor, "do they die from our
diseases?" (As if to imply it is because they eat the
calcium from the reefs). After building an incredible
expose' on how disease cannot survive in the body in an
alkaline environment, they then tell you how THEIR calcium
will rapidly create this environment. Conclusion: Coral
calcium prevents and cures cancer as well as all other

How prevalent is this nonsense. But the fact is, millions
of people buy into this "miracle-nutrient" mentality. For
example, I was sitting with a high-ranking official of a
large bank, a very bright and well-educated man. As we were
pouring through financial data, he stopped and gave me a
"can-we-change-the-subject-for-a-minute" look. I gave him a
"sure-we-can" look and he proceeded to tell me the
following. '"That coral calcium that you see on T.V., does
it really cure cancer?" I looked at him and said, "What do
you think? Do you think Coral Calcium can cure cancer?" He
said sheepishly, "I guess it is silly to think that one
mineral is the answer to all of America's health ills." I
told the banker that indeed he was right.

Health is never about one nutrient or even ten or for that
matter even thirty. True health is about following some
basic principles and supporting the body on a cellular
level with nutrient-dense food. It is about exercising. It
is about eliminating toxins. It is about emotional health.
It is about drinking water and breathing correctly.

Infomercials exist and will continue to exist because
people want to believe that they can accomplish better
health or weight loss or a body like Chuck Norris without
having to dramatically change their lifestyle. Earlier this
morning, I saw an infomercial claiming that you can lose
all the weight you want without changing a thing in your
life. Just swallow the pill, eat what you want, continue
sitting on the couch all day and you will look like a
supermodel or professional athlete. Pure malarkey.

Improving or regaining your health is a process. It does
not happen instantaneously no matter what you hear. The
process does not have to be one of denial or cataclysmic
changes. One simply needs to acquire the right information
about their body and start making some changes on a daily
basis. But to take a journey you must start a journey.

Next time you flip the channel and land on a health
infomercial, use your God-given common sense. If it sounds
too good to be true... well, you know the rest.

Joe Costello founded Kylea Health in 1995. Kylea is a
well-respected nutritional company providing cutting edge
nutritional formulas servicing hundreds of thousands of
people. Joe is a health researcher, author, and hosts a
weekly health Television show. For more information about
Joe Costello and Kylea Health and Energy visit

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